How To Tell If Youre Allergic To Washing Powder

Washing our clothes is strictly necessary, especially in this weather when we’re all more wafty than usual. But, even as we’re doing the right thing (keeping our personal hygiene in check and our clothing positively fragrant), it seems for some of us, it’s the wrong thing.

Our susceptibility to allergies is rising according to the European Academy Of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. As things stand, over 150 million EU citizens suffer from chronic allergies, but by 2025, it’s predicted that over half of us will be affected. And, in the UK 44% of adults already suffer from at least one allergy.

The cause, helpfully, isn’t entirely clear. Excessive cleanliness, air pollution and the rise of chemicals used in our products have all been pointed out as possible factors. What is clear however, is that alongside food and pollen allergies, adverse reactions to our washing detergents are becoming more and more commonplace.

We spoke to leading dermatologist, Dr Sunil Chopra, consultant dermatologist and medical director at The London Dermatology Centre, to find out more.

How can washing detergent affect our skin?

“Washing detergent can affect our skin in two ways,” says Dr Chopra. “Firstly, it can cause irritation, where the chemical composition of the detergent directly irritates the skin,” he explains, which usually manifests itself as a red, itchy rash as soon as you put your clothes on. This normally disappears soon after you remove the offending item. “Secondly it can cause a contact allergy to the detergent,” says Dr Chopra, such as contact dermatitis, which is an immune response and may take up to a week of exposure show up (also as a red, itchy rash).

What are the main components or ingredients of washing detergents that cause allergies?

“The main components or ingredients of washing detergent that can cause allergies are harmful chemicals [such as potassium hydroxide], fragrances, preservatives and dyes,” explains Dr Chopra. What’s more, “detergents contain a chemical called the surfactant which loosens dirt and oil particles and allows them to be washed away. These surfactants can be directly irritating to skin especially if someone has sensitive skin,” adds Dr Chopra.

Does it tend to affect some more than others and if so, who’s more likely to suffer?

“People who have already got damaged skin such as eczema, atopic eczema or dry skin are more likely to suffer,” says Dr Chopra, so if you already suffer from skin sensitivity, it’s worth looking for a more gentle alternative.

How can we tell whether it’s our washing detergent that’s causing the problem?

The best way of determining whether or not our detergent is to blame for problem skin is to keep and eye on areas that your clothing doesn’t touch, says Dr Chopra. So if you regularly wear dresses, check your legs to see if they’re affected, as well as your neck, face and hands which aren’t usually covered by clothes.

What other aspects should we look at and rule out first if we’re not sure what might be causing the problem?

Alongside our washing detergent, other possible allergens to look out for include fragrances, soaps, conditioners, shampoos and moisturisers, says Dr Chopra, which are substances which frequently come into contact with our skin.

What’s likely to bring about the issue? Can we develop allergies to washing detergents we’ve been using for years or is it more common when we switch to a different alternative?

If you think you’re safer sticking to what you’ve always used, you may still encounter problems with allergies. “You can develop allergies to washing detergents you’ve been using for years,” explains Chopra. “You can develop a sudden allergy to something overnight.”

What professional help is on offer to get to the root of the cause? What would an appointment with a dermatologist or allergy specialist involve?

“If you are still not sure you should seek the help of a dermatologist. A dermatologist would arrange for a patch test to be performed. A patch tests consists of common allergens impregnated into aluminum disks which are placed in contact with the skin for two days and then removed. If one gets redness, scaling or weeping in the area of contact then the person is allergic to that allergen,” explains Dr Chopra. Several allergens are placed across the skin and monitored in order to identify which one in particular is causing a problem.

Are there steps that we can take to limit the effects of our washing detergents?

One of the main things we can do to try and keep allergies and irritation at a minimum, is to follow the advice of our washing detergents and avoid using more than is recommended as surplus detergent can make its way into the fabric of our clothing and remain there, causing irritation. Also, Dr Chopra suggests keeping our skin moisturised and wearing loose cotton or linen clothing.

What washing detergent alternatives can we use safely instead?

“Once you have been patch tested and the allergen that you are allergic to has been found then you can choose a detergent which can be safely used without the allergen,” says Dr Chopra. Or, you can opt for a detergent specifically designed with sensitive or allergy-prone skin in mind. Look for those that state they’re hypoallergenic – ECover, Percil, Fairy and many supermarket own brands all provide options.

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